22 December 2013

Starting a new 'therapy', with prescribed way expensive pills, are somewhat terrifying in the same time glad there will no longer be any injections needed..

this new medicine way of treatment is by reducing white blood cells (WBC) from existing in the body..

since WBC functiond is to protect some of the body parts but in MS patients, instead of protecting it, it will react to attack the body itself.. thus  it is seen as essential to reduce the number of WBC in the body..

nevertheless, though it seems as good, this medicine also has it drawbacks..
the most common and bother me that it has a fatality rate connecting to this medicine..

this medicine slow down the heart rate...until it can cause people's heart to stop altogether..

anyhow, all praise to Allah for this gift.. may my body fits for this new medicine..

Ref: http://www.gilenya.com/index.jsp
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