29 July 2011

the awaits month..

in a couple of days, the glory month of Ramadhan will come and greet us..

o Allah Ta'ala, do give me the chance to enter Your beautified month..

this will be a challenge for me for this ramadhan,

last year, it was a 'new' ramadhan as it was the 1st time i'm entering it as a person who's now working, when before i faced it as a student..

and this year, if i am given the chance to enter ramadhan, i'll be facing it both as a student and as a worker.. which mean, when last year i could fulfill my ramadhan checklist without much difficulties, this year, i'm not too sure about it, as the free time i used to have, are now fill with my study time & assignment work..

whatever so, there is always the All Mighty for me to turn to, in whatever conditions i will be facing..

"..indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me (by obedience) and believe in Me that they may be (rightly) guided." {2:186}
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