30 April 2011

in a view of a starfish~

When we look upon starfishes, let it be a real life one or just a picture of it, what is the first thing that pop out in our mind..?

Honestly, the first thing that will rise up in mine is:
"When these statfish looses a leg or some may called it as arm, the loose part of the starfish will grew back again.."

interesting isn't it..
to see how amazing is a  starfish...
despite being 'tested' my loosing an 'arm or leg', it does'nt bother itself there as it knew..
it will grow back once again..

well, similarly in our live.. human live..
although it is not that when a human lost a part of it body, the fingers, hands or leg, it will grow back once again to replace it..
but, if the person is patience with a beatiful patience..
a more generous gift will be bestow upon that person by The One, who gifted him/her with that gift of test..

i call the 'test' as a gift as each people will receive different kind of test..

so its kind of unique if you're the one choosen to be tested with the "Test" that are not common to other people..

as higher level of "test" your being choosen to go through, it shows the level of Love that He has in you..

>> higher level of test is proportionate with the level of Allah Ta'ala love to the person who's being tested<<

and the 'Test' given by Him, will be rewarded by Him, if not in this world.. in the hereafter later.. insyaAllah..

so, let us seek more and more of His 'Tests', one after another..

and when we feel like we are about to loose in the test, remember how a starfish, which could stand the trial of loosing its arm/leg is rewarded with a brand new one..

do we want to loose this race to a 'Starfish'..?
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