11 February 2009

whats important.. hmm

Niat or intention is an essential part of our way of life..

In inviting people to Allah, IT IS IMPORTANT..

1st and foremost, before we go out thru the door to invite the society to the truth, to Him..
let us reflect back our intention here.

One of the important upmost aspect part of our intention is sincerity. (jujur, ikhlas)

If each our action are sincere with the deepest sincerity of all because of Him.. Allah will then ease the way to reach the way and grant on dreams..

This is denoted in a story at the time of rasulullah (s.a.w), when an Arab baduin went to prophet s.a.w and retell his intention to migrate with him and with this, prophet s.a.w tell his companions about the man intentions. Further later, after sucessfully won a war, the war's posession was being distributed among the soldiers.
And when it was being given to that man earlier, it said "this is not why i migrate with you. my migartion is to get die being shot by an arrow here (he pointed it to his neck) and enter jannah for it.
And rasulullah s.a.w replied, "If you are sincere to Allah in this matter, then indeed Allah will grant it for you."
In the next battle that follow by, the man was brought to rasulullah s.a.w with an arrow stuck where he pointed it to be ealier. And rasulullah s.a.w asked the companions, "is this the person as was before?" And when the companions replied it as the same person as the one before. Rasulullah s.a.w than said, "He was sincere to Allah, thus Allah grants for him his wishes.. "

For from this incident it is clear, if we are really sincere for His sake, so no grief shall followed by since Allah will always look out for his servants that are striving to put His way at the top.

And jihad is our life doesnt comply to only those who enter the battle, with the suit of armor. It includes both verbal and action.

And for this, qudwah is also a way of jihad. If our way of life really follows the one He guides through prophet s.a.w and from the Quran, then we have actually go forth in His cause.
So, none here can say he/she can go jihad. For jihad aspect is really2 wide. No limit in it.

"O you who believe, what is the matter with you, that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily in the earth?
Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life fompare the the Hereafter except a [very] little."

Thus, are we ready to go forth?

"Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if only you knew"

And now we know.. so lets go!
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