3 July 2011


As of tonight.. when a good friend of mine send me a short message service, it brought me to reflect my life back for the years that i've passed thru..

Every thing that i've gone thru, let it be way to when i was in school, is to prepare me (or get me ready) for the future that i will be facing..

Yes! we can plan our life.. yet, no matter how detailed we've planned it, when the time come, it will turn out as what He decreed it to be.. as He, The Creator (Al-Fattah,Al-Álim,Al-Hafiz) is always the best planner and will always be so..
Note: This does not mean we should not plan anything in our life and let it just be.. as it mean more failure -->does who fail to plan, plan to fail..

To take a couple of things that has occurred, which has an effect on me until today..

1. Back to when i was merely starting my tertiary education from my home country until i successfully able to further it abroad, i was given a short purity of ´gold´ for 2 years..
it has been pounding my mind for all these while, why did He choose to me to succeed at that moment, when before, i was not as astounding as i have been..

2. At one point, I was given the urge to bought a 2-wheel transport, when it was actually not a necessity.. as there are many easy accessible public transport to be used for..

A few years later..which is today, only then it come to my realization..

a: The 'gold'  back then was a chance of me to feel to be success in what i do.. as further later, it will be hard for me to gain success.. if i did not succeed back then.. it will simply mean, i will never feel the joy of being succeed in anything i do.. and this can somewhat discourage me from moving on.. So now, whenever i feel i will not reach what i've been planning, aim for.. i will always have to remember, it is always possible to succeed in anything that i do.. even if i don't see the result with my sight in this world.. i shall always keep in mind, i will see it later in the hereafter, insyaAllah..
That is why, we should never evaluate people on the result whether they fail or succeed in whatever they do in their life.. as Allah Ta'ala Himself did not evaluate us of the result of our work (natijah).. but He, The Supreme, will evaluate on how hard and determine did we did the work.. For the work is simply our act.. and the result of what we did is what Allah Ta'ala gave it to us..so why should Allah evaluate what He give,bestow.. and this is how we suppose to evaluate our people, our society, our children.. and more meaningful, our self.. If we always weep, complain and question why we did not get a good result of what we've worked for, it simply mean, we are questioning Allah's plans..

b. The two-wheel cycle that i rode thought me to be independent of the 'world'.. example.. if i'm suppose to attend a meeting which will take place quite a distance away.. and usually to go there, people will take the bus route or tram.. and let say, one day, the public transport go maniac.. and decided to halt it operation.. will i give it an accuse for me to escape the meeting.. or will i find other alternative to get there.. and owning this cycle, has taught me to use it to get to the meeting.. although the work to go there will consume half of my energy.. And now, from this, it came to my realization.. do not wait to be spoon feed, yet go out and go look for it.. or else, you'll die for waiting..

So, now.. every time in this life i about to face things that are not as what i desire.. i have to keep reminding myself.. these things happen just for the sake, to prepare me for my life later..

remember isL.. remember..

p/s: oh 1 more thing on the cycle thing.. if i did not cycle back then.. i may have loose the chance to walk as i did now..wallahu'alam..

-pen off-
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