9 March 2009

to b ask upon oneself..

compare these:

a slave belonging to many (quarreling) partners and another who belongs to exclusively one man.
is it equal in comparison..?
which is better indeed?

is blind equivalent to the seeing?

is darkness equivalent to light?

are those who know equal to those who dont..?

is one who walks fallen on his face better guided or one who walks erect on a straight path?

let us ask ourself..
which part of those 2 things in each comparison we would like to be and like to have..?
the choice is in our hands..

if we were to own things, which we put our whole live for it, for the love of it.. would we willing to share it with others..?

is it indeed the same goes to whom we decided to live for..

if we said we believe there exist a mighty Lord, yet the way we live our live those not portray it that way..
then its just a waste..
for if we know there exist one and only Lord, why are we not willing to submit exclusively to Him..
this is why He asked us, "is is the same of those who have knowledge to those who don't ..?"

to walk on the straight path that lay in front or to past get lost in this journey of life..

to be guided by His light till or to live in darkness till the end of time..

He consistently gives comparison between 2 opposite side, to let us think.. to let us remind ourself,
what have we choses until this moment..
have we fullfill our statisfy to Him..

let us be those who keep on repenting to Him,
for He accepted that being His creations, we often forgets our promise to Him, and thus
He open His door of repentance to those who really seeks for it..
and its know, up to us to find the way to pass thru the door..

::hud, ra'd,as-zumar
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