4 February 2009

Yunus (10)

5. Dia-lah yang menjadikan matahari bersinar dan bulan bercahaya dan ditetapkan-Nya manzilah-manzilah [orbit-orbit] bagi perjalanan bulan itu, agar kamu mengetahui bilangan tahun dan perhitungan [waktu]. Allah tidak menciptakan yang demikian itu melainkan dengan hak. Dia menjelaskan tanda-tanda [kebesaran-Nya] kepada orang-orang yang mengetahui.

6.Sesungguhnya pada pertukaran malam dan siang itu dan pada apa yang diciptakan Allah di langit dan di bumi, benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda [kekuasaan-Nya] bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.

7. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang tidak mengharapkan [tidak percaya akan] pertemuan dengan Kami, dan merasa puas dengan kehidupan dunia serta merasa tenteram dengan kehidupan itu dan orang-orang yang melalaikan ayat-ayat Kami,

8.mereka itu tempatnya ialah neraka, disebabkan apa yang selalu mereka kerjakan.

9. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal saleh, mereka diberi petunjuk oleh Tuhan mereka karena keimanannya,
di bawah mereka mengalir sungai-sungai di dalam surga yang penuh keni’matan.

10. Do’a mereka di dalamnya ialah: "Subhanakallahumma", dan salam penghormatan mereka ialah: "Salam". Dan penutup do’a mereka ialah: "Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil `aalamin."

Dan kalau sekiranya Allah menyegerakan kejahatan bagi manusia seperti permintaan mereka untuk menyegerakan kebaikan, pastilah diakhiri umur mereka. Maka Kami biarkan orang-orang yang tidak mengharapkan pertemuan dengan Kami, bergelimang di dalam kesesatan mereka.

Dan apabila manusia ditimpa bahaya dia berdo’a kepada Kami dalam keadaan berbaring, duduk atau berdiri, tetapi setelah Kami hilangkan bahaya itu daripadanya, dia [kembali] melalui [jalannya yang sesat], seolah-olah dia tidak pernah berdo’a kepada Kami untuk [menghilangkan] bahaya yang telah menimpanya. Begitulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas itu memandang baik apa yang selalu mereka kerjakan.

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and all in it.. a magnificent creation of the All Mighty.

He created things out of nothing. Which is surely impossible for anyone to do it. This proves there exist a Mighty Creator of the Universe, RabbulAlamin..

And even before the scientist discover about the orbits, the existence of other planets
and stars, Allah had already mentioned it several times in His book, Al-Quran.

How can we deny His existence, for He Created it, thus, He'll be first to know the characters of His creations..

He created the world just as a stopping place. He made it 'look' wonderful in the eyes of humans whose heart does not accompany the sight.

This causes a lot of humans aim is to be at the 'top of the world', to gain peope respect, to be famous, idols in the eyes of humans.

Little did one realise, its just a part of test in this world.

Imagine one being put in a maze. And to exit it, one will need to pass through a lot of things. If no cautions being taken, one will easily being fooled by the distractions along the way, causing delay. And at times, there will be fight that one need to face.

If before there's no preparations done to face the fight, one will surely result failing it.

This is as certain as the life in this world.

If no preparation was done earlier, ie. now, if He then decides to test one in a day or two, or perhaps a minute from now, what the probability one can face it gracefully?

And at that moment, only then one will find a higher power, turn back to Him, one and Only Lord. Doesnt leave even a second to supplicate to Him, to help one in facing the troubles one's

Yet, when He did remove it, one will then have forgotten that it was He who remove it, and even worse, one act as if one never have ask help from Him..

let one ask oneself, be truthfully honest to oneself and of course He know whats in the heart though one conceal it. He's Ever Knowing, Ever Forbearing.

to what extend He's description about the typical humans clashes with one attitude.

One need to change oneself to be a better person, a better abidurrahman..
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