7 May 2013

life is full of choices..

choices in a big matter such as where to live or just a simple one such as the favourite colour of the day..

there are various choice in this world.. as He has given us the chance to select or pick what we choose from our observation, evaluation and determination..

its been given a choice to believe in the All Mighty Him, Ta'ala.. or
choose to put Him and His signs apart..

recently, in my home town, country..

people were given the chance to select by voting whom they think the best to carry the responsibility to hold the town, state & country..

and the result of the election were out and i can only thank Him for not causing chaos to this nation..

but i have to wonder, why people keep on saying they want justice, avoid corruption and such.. yet at the same time, decline to follow closely to all His law and His prophet teachings in the heart..

for one can never change the  people & the condition around as long has one refuse to change itself..

"..Indeed, Allah will not change the the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves..." [ar-Ra'd(13):11]

nway, talking about choices.. i have to make one soon..

the choice to be admitted to the hosp for 3 consecutive days..

or to just live by enduring His 'gift' as normally  i could..

the decision is hard as my work load at the office is as the idioms say, heavy as lead..

well.. for me to decide depends on how i carry out the work...

seeking Him to ease and guide me thru..

-till then-
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