5 February 2012

today is date of our beloved prophet (peace be upon him)..that falls on the 12th of the Rabiul-awal according to the islam calender..

which also marks my birth a quarter century ago..

i knew about this few years back, when my mum told me, she gave birth to me on the day of maulidur rasul back then..

when i think about it.. i guess, perhaps that is one of the reason why i'm so quite the opposite of everyone in my family..

things that i prefer they dislike, i support and they oppose.. and also vice versa..

i dislike almost everything they prefer to do..

well.. i do hope, i could practise the teachings of the beloved prophet (s.a.w) as He has put me forth in this world at the date of His beloved..

give me strength when others left me weak..
give me the light when the world stray me to seek..
show me the path, when straws bound me to whit..
lay up the sign and let the rain to showers me to prime..
groom me till i bloom, with forming the stongly root .
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