29 May 2011



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful..

Alhamdulillahi ala kulli hal...

a great thanks to Allah Ta'ala for giving me another chance to breath again today, to improve my vow to Him, that i constantly make, yet oftenly failed to succeed..

as most weekend, i begin my day with reading books..

and out of the bloom..

my heart desire to re-analyze & dissect back on the book entitled, 'La Tahzan'

honestly, i simply read the book by just flipping it previously..

yet, now since the call to read it come to me out of no where,
there must be a reason, which i should explore..

after a few pages, a simple conclusion can be extract:

everythings that happen to us, destined by Allah Ta'ala, is someway benifical, victory & rewarding, in one way ot the other..

and this even has been said by Allah in surahtul al-baqarah, verse (ayah) 216, that read as:

"..But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows what you know not."

quite often this verse is recited to us in talks, yet, we often fail to realize this..

why is the things that we dislike is actually good..?

1st: Allah know best that at this moment of time, the things that we see as good, will somehow later, be really bad for us.
2nd : when what we are given things that we hate, and we are patience for it, Allah Ta'la will ease it for us without we even realising it..
3rd: and at the same time, He will level up our 'rank' in His sight.. which is why the thing that we hate is good when it happen to us.

now not that the move difficult the trial we are facing, the more reward He'll bestow upon us, when we take it with 'pleasure' & patience..

so, whenever i feel that i am about to loose hope & trust in Allah, do recall this hadith,

"Whoever that Allah desire to grant him goodness, He'll bestow upon him a difficulty (for a second)" (HR Bukhari)

for with every difficulty there is a reward, and He will to give more and more reward to us, when He give us a difficulty, even a minor one, such as we stepped upon a small thorn..

all these make me reflect back on my day today, my week, my month, my year, my life for all these years..

and more specifically, my life back in my home country, after a 4 year training (tarbiyyah) across the sea..
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