6 May 2017

In the name of The All Mighty One..

I just realised this evening.. this year has its own 'anniversary' in my life.. it marked a decade  of its birth  to me..  Where usually any celebration in relation to birth are something most people look forward to and placing it as an annual celebration..

Yet, to me.. its birth has changed my life in the past.. present.. and im forely sure.. the future.. though its birth was only certified a year later.. but its presence of the so called 'ever-lasting' has somehow changed me in seeing and accepting to keep on living..

The opportunity in exceeling was thrown far away from wihin reach and it blew off the desire to route on as it seem to keep on only as a dream..

Wondering on the need to keep breathing.. when all life gives is suffocating..

O my Beloved Lord, if its destined for me to live.. do give me the strength and persistence to continue on..
If its my fate to end, do bless me with Ur Ever-lasting Love & Forgivenes.. for Ur humble servant is a lone soul, withou nearby tree  that'll shade on..
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